Updating your legacy routing software is a significant undertaking for organizations of any size, but well worth the investment of human and financial resources these projects often entail. For many organizations, the migration of platforms can be driven by a number of factors. In some cases, existing providers are sunsetting support for on-premise software. In others, expansion and growth may be the catalyst. Or, it may be headcount driven and the need to automate processes to do more with less. Whatever the reason, if updating your legacy routing software is on your agenda, this webinar is for you. 

For most teams, the first question is whether to stick with the status quo or whether it makes more sense to look at alternatives. In some cases, the cost of ownership on an existing solution may be modest – maintenance only. But is that a false economy? What are the costs of not updating and, perhaps, upgrading your operating infrastructure and processes? Are you able to meet growing demand? What about customers’ increasing expectations around speed, predictability and visibility?  

Whether you’re currently using an on-premise, server-based solution or contemplating implementing a solution for the first time to automate manual processes, it’s probably time to learn more and to consider making a move. Server-based solutions no longer offer the security and reliability that are built into leading cloud-based offerings. These systems also require hardware and maintenance, which is an additional burden on your team and resources. With cloud-based platforms, those issues are handled by the provider and not passed onto you. If you haven’t yet implemented a technology platform to support your dispatching and routing processes, you may well be reaching the upper limits of your team’s capacity and hindering your business’ growth potential. 

Looking at fleet operations from another perspective, driver shortages and turnover rates may also be issues you’re grappling with. In fact, for some organizations, lack of drivers has become the top business challenge. For these teams, some of whom have had to recruit team members from other roles to drive, the driver shortage is very real and forcing them to think more strategically about how they use the drivers they do have to maximum benefit. They also need to give drivers applications that streamline and simplify their days in addition to maximizing their vehicle capacity. Modern legacy routing software can also play a role in addressing the way drivers work, supporting them throughout their days, and maximizing their productivity, as well. 

With routing and dispatching at the heart of your last mile operation and closely integrated with all of your systems, a great deal of care goes into selecting a technology platform and provider to support your processes, meet your goals, and create the foundation for growth. Watch this webinar for insights into a legacy routing software update project.

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